Thursday, April 28, 2011


model: Shalom Harlow
photos by: Paolo Roversi


  1. Hey Lianna! I hope this doesn't creep you out but somehow me and some of my roomates found your blog! One of them is an aspiring model and we just all love your we were hoping that you could tell us some of your beauty secrets and your favorite products that you use and any other life advice or success advice you have for us. How are you so confident and lovely? Thanks lady! You are stunning!

  2. Hey thanks! Hmm.. tips or tricks for you, just make sure to network even if you have an agency and to always be nice! If you're easy to work with, people are going to want to work with you. I think that goes for any profession. As far as beauty secrets go, I think eating healthy and sleeping enough are all you really need to look and feel your personal best. Also, drink lots of water and always use sunscreen!
    Xo Lianna
